Saturday, July 25, 2015

Water baby!!!

Back this hitch up into the water.
Power nap before we get there. 
On the pontoon! Making waves and catching rays. 
Driving with Daddy
Getting snuggles and a nap. 
Fun day but ready to put the boat on the trailer and head home. 
(Also: Daddy and Uncle Drew skied!)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Headed out on a walk like a big girl

Excited!!! (Had to use clips cause she's still a bit small) 
Here we go!
She was much happier than this picture shows...

Still can't make it the whole walk. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Looks like she sleeps like me....

When she was put to bed her head was on the burp cloth and the blanket covered her (like it does in this photo of her napping).

However, when I went to check on her this morning, the scene was much different. 

I guess after all those years of kicking anyone remotely close to me in bed and never having to share a bed (on vacation, at a friends house, etc) will be relived through my daughter. 

And when she woke up....

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lacy loves Sophie

Now that she can hold things she's holding everything....

Her first time holding something. (6/5/15)


My 3 month old (yay!!!) is wearing 6-9 month clothes and about to outgrow them...

4th of July

The day was FULL and fun. Lacy went through SIX outfits for a myriad of reasons. 

Turning 28...

Well 28 has come and is now old news. We celebrated in style and Lacy had a few big girl moments of her own. 


First night sleeping in her crib (major freak out for me - Justin loves it):

And always being adorable: